Email bot 

Umělá inteligence, která obvolá 6000 lidí za hodinu

A business, consulting and project management company assisting in the transition to AI and automation. EverConn offers companies an unprecedented ability to increase revenue and reduce costs through smarter automation and machine-driven predictions.

Příklady použití

Řeší složitější otázky a rozhovory a pomáhá vyřešit problémy zákazníků.

We use the Voice-bot to call Leads to complement our call centre function or to help them improve and enhance their performance.

Nepříjemné, hrubé rozhovory ho nerozhodí.

We use the Voice-bot to call Leads to complement our call centre function or to help them improve and enhance their performance.

Chatbot Everconn funguje 24 hodin denně, 7 dní v týdnu.

We use the Voice-bot to call Leads to complement our call centre function or to help them improve and enhance their performance.

communicates in his natural voice.

It works with data from your systems
and sends you the information.

is available 24/7
with requests immediately.

Voice – bot

Let a robot with a human touch call for you

 I'll take the hassle out of calling the company by asking straight awayhow I can help them and responding immediately with a concise answer.

Dostupný 24 / 7 a nikdy se neunaví. Požadavky řeší hned

We use the Voice-bot to call Leads to complement our call centre function or to help them improve and enhance their performance.

Pracuje s daty vašeho systému a posílá informace

We use the Voice-bot to call Leads to complement our call centre function or to help them improve and enhance their performance.

Komunikuje lidským hlasem a rozpozná potřebu klienta

We use the Voice-bot to call Leads to complement our call centre function or to help them improve and enhance their performance.

Email – bot

Automatic handling of emails

Thanks to artificial intelligence, we use unstructured text analysis, using analytical tools to evaluate what the customer requires, for example, in an incoming email and assign it to a specific department or operator. If it's a routine matter, it will respond directly to the message or suggest a response for approval. This saves your operators time that they can spend on personalised care for key customers.

Works great with

No more unimportant emails

Speeds up work by up to 40%

Handles simple emails

Companies we help with the transition to next-generation artificial intelligence

AI services that make you real money

Do you have a user base that you need to reach, but standard methods like email or SMS don't work? That's what we're here for, to help you achieve your goals simply and efficiently, thanks to the know-how and processes we've applied at over 50+ large companies